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VNS Health is changing health care. Our goal is to make it easy to access, simple to understand, and meaningful to the people in our care, at every stage of their health care journey. Our leadership team brings to life our Core Values of empathy, agility, and integrity to help continue our legacy of care and commitment.

Executive Leadership

Headshot of VNS Health CEO Dan Savitt

Dan Savitt

President and Chief Executive Officer

Michael Bernstein

Executive Vice President and Chief Experience Officer

John Burke

Executive Vice President and Chief of Health Plans

Kerry Parker

Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Chief Risk Officer
Keith Patterson

Keith Patterson

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Tim Peng, PhD

Executive Vice President, Science and Technology

David Rosales

Executive Vice President and Chief of Provider Services
headshot of gail thakarar, EVP and chief people officer

Gail Thakarar

Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer

Medical Leadership

Ritchell Dignam, MD

Chief Medical Officer, Provider Services

Jay Dobkin, MD

Chief Medical Officer, Health Plans

Andrew N. Schiff, MD, Chair

Anne B. Ehrenkranz, PhD, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer

Margaret A. Bancroft, Emeritus (In Memoriam)

Karen Boykin-Towns

Douglas D. Broadwater, Emeritus

Robert C. Daum

E. Mary Davidson

Eugenie Doyle, MD, Emeritus

Sarah L. Eames

Claire M. Fagin, PhD, RN, FAAN, Emeritus (In Memoriam)

Raymond Falci

Darren M. Fogel

Alice C. Frelinghuysen, Emeritus

Peter Gleason

Scott Hansen

Mary R. (Nina) Henderson

Peter L. Hutchings

Robert Kaufman, Emeritus (In Memoriam)

Michael Laskoff

Arthur Lindenauer

Joseph D. Mark


Simone-Marie L. Meeks

Mathy Mezey, EdD, RN, FAAN, Emeritus

Phyllis J. Mills, BSN, RN

Ellen Moskowitz

Carl H. Pforzheimer III

John P. Rafferty

Carol Raphael

Paula L. Root, Emeritus

Gayle Rosenthal, MD

Deborah Sale

Dan Savitt

Julie Silverstein, MD

Eileen M. Sullivan-Marx, PhD, RN, FAAN

Edward Torres